Welcome to The B'K

The Bitchin’ Kitsch (or The B’K) is an art and literature magazine prioritizing and paying traditionally marginalized creators, but open to all.

The B’K is proudly edited by Chris Talbot, a mixed-race, autistic, queer, and trans nonbinary editor.

We are interested in people being able to decolonize and tell their own stories.

– Chris Talbot

The B’K Current Issue

The B’K Volume 16, Issue 1 (Winter 2025) issue is here! The issue features:

  • Art by: Chris Talbot and Emilia Koziol
  • Fiction by: Ayin Ships, Jay Castello, Lawson Hannaford, and Sophie Najm
  • Nonfiction by: Cila Warncke, Grace Zhu, and Lev Raphael
  • Poetry by: Aanum Khan, arushi (aera) rege, Ash Reynolds, Audric Adonteng, Bella Rotker, J. D. Harlock, Jen Persici, Lydia Mathis, Maggie Bowyer, Neda Dallal, Paige Eaton, Quin Killin’, Quinn Ponds, Regine Jackson, Rhiannon Briggs, Rowan Tate, S. Kavi, Spooky Bee Jones, and Tajudeen Muadh
Cover art, which is a five panel comic strip. In the first, there’s a photograph of the artist as a baby in a pink mesh bag. In the second is a slow drip in brown, rust, and red. Next to that are rows of dots mimicking Estrogen. In the third is a photograph of the artist crying. In the fourth is a photo of the artist’s chest after top surgery and the prescription for Testosterone. In the fifth is the artist, masculinized.

The B'K Archive

The B’K has been in print since July 1, 2010! Check out all the issues here.

Submissions, Copies, and Subscriptions

If you would like to submit to the next issue, please follow our guidelines, which can be found on the Submissions page.

You can buy back issues of The B’K, All My Relations, The Story of Them, and more in our Ko-fi shop page. All proceeds go toward paying our BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled creatives; our website; and software.

Photo of Chris with a yellow background