All My Relations Volume 7 is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the theme of rest, open to BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled creatives only.

All My Relations, at its core, is a reminder that we’re all interconnected. May these ruminations on rest, the ways our ancestors rested, and stories of what happens to us when we refuse to rest, remind us that another reality is possible and inspire us to collectively invent a new world where rest is a given and grind culture is a choice.

Chris Talbot-Heindl
Cover art: A man’s blue-jean-clad, legs and sandal-shod feet extend across the flat sandy beach from the lower left corner toward calm ocean waves in the distance.

Volume 7

All My Relations Volume 7 explores the theme of rest. This volume features:

Art by: Chris Talbot-Heindl, Irina Tall Novikova, Izzy Singer, and Lindsey Morrison Grant

Fiction by: Amanita Rose, Enriko Pratt, and Tien Lee

Nonfiction by: Ana Marie Boyd and S. Kavi

Poetry by: Nobel Chan, Paula Frew, and Reyzl Grace

All My Relations Volume 6 is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the theme of resistance, open to BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled creatives only.

All My Relations, at its core, is a reminder that we’re all interconnected. This Indigenous ethos became visceral for me as I watched in horror while the IDF indiscriminately bombed Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza. In August, when this publication first opened for submissions, we couldn’t have known just how needed the message of Resistance would be. I hope that these pieces can help keep us strong in our Resistance and steadfast in our support for a free Palestine.

Chris Talbot-Heindl
The cover of All My Relations Volume 6. An illustration of a Wendat Indigenous person and a Palestinian person look toward the viewer. The Wendat figure has a Palestine sunbird on their head and is wearing olive earrings, an Wendat motifs on their clothing. A beaver is perched on their head, and is wearing a hijab and keffiyeh. Below them is a watermelon sitting on braided sweetgrass.

Volume 6

All My Relations Volume 6 explores the theme of resistance. This volume features:

Art by: Chris Talbot-Heindl

Nonfiction by: Adri Norris, Keiran Elden, and Mugabi Byenkya

Poetry by: Adrian S. Potter, allison whittenberg, Ankit Raj Ojha, Charlie Perseus, Max Kerwien, Monique Harris, nat raum, Robin Kinzer, and SG Huerta

All My Relations Volume 5 is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the theme of overcoming, open to BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled creatives only.

“While the pieces contained within this anthology are specific to each creator’s unique experience, the drive and push to persist against the odds is a shared experience. Whether the obstacles were internal or external, we can all relate to the journey, and the frustration felt when these barriers come from otherization. And we can all share in the success and pride that comes with each story of overcoming.”

Chris Talbot-Heindl
Cover art for All My Relations, Volume 5, which has a black and white photo of a wrinkled palm. In the center is a tiny white flower.
Cover art for Volume 5

Volume 5

All My Relations Volume 5 explores the theme of overcoming. This volume features:

Art by: Hybridtheartist and Merlin flower

Fiction by: Marianne Xenos

Nonfiction by: Corinne Renick, Dawn Colclasure, Rayne Affonso, and Taylor Thomas

Poetry by: Adesiyan Oluwapelumi, Angel Leyba, Eisha A. Mason, Haley Bossé, Janice M Whyne, J.D. Gevry, KS Palakovic, L.M. Cole, Maeva Wunn, nat raum, Nobel Chan, Robin Kinzer, and Willow Page Delp

All My Relations Volume 4 is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the themes of disability and accessibility, open to disabled creatives only.

“As someone who spent most of my life chronically ill, it was horrifying to watch people I considered near and dear take a laissez-faire approach [during the coronavirus pandemic] to community wellness and position their frankly dangerous approach as a matter of opinion or their “right.” It was hard seeing people I regarded highly consider our relations disposable…None of us are ever disposable…We are all interconnected, and together we create a beautiful tapestry that is as rich, diverse, and beautiful as this collection.”

Chris Talbot-Heindl
Image is an IV bag with a pink background. Text says "All My Relations Volume 4 Disability & Accessibility"
Cover art for Volume 4

Volume 4

Volume 4 of All My Relations explores the themes of disability and accessibility. Volume 4 was guest edited by nat raum and tommy blake.

This volume features:

Art by: Emily Fritts, Frances Bukovsky, Izzy Singer, and Sam Wise

Nonfiction by: Julie Bortolussi and Lev Raphael

Poetry by: Isabella J Mansfield, Krista Bergren-Walsh, Maeva Wunn, and Robin Kinzer

All My Relations Volume 3 is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the theme of belonging, open to BIPOC, LGBTIQA2+, and disabled creatives only.

“For some of us, finding where we belong takes time and access. But once we find where we belong, our thriving knows no bounds. I wanted to provide a space for my BIPOC, LGBTIQA2+, and/or disabled relations to share their stories of belonging.”

Chris Talbot-Heindl

Volume 3

An illustration by Chris Talbot-Heindl from the serial graphic novel The Story of Them depicting an older person hugging a younger person in a living area.
Cover art for Volume 3

Volume 3 of All My Relations explores the theme of belonging.

Please be aware that most of the pieces contained here have a content warning of colonization. Additional content warnings are provided before each piece.

This volume features:

Art by: Ami, Chris Talbot-Heindl, Sadee Bee, and Sam Wise

Fiction by: Mary Liza Hartong and Tarunika Kapoor

Non-Fiction by: cassie joy, Corinne Renick, Nadine, and Sharika Nair

Poetry by: Ana Marie Boyd, Arish Mudra Rakshasa-Loots, Byron López Ellington, Emma Cholip, Fern Golden, James Penha, Keagan Wheat, Robin Kinzer, Sarena Tien, ​​Sunday T. Saheed, T.S. IDIOT, and Zoha Sh.

Check out Volume 3 below! If you would like to purchase a printed copy of the volume, visit our store. Proceeds will be used to pay our BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled contributors.



All My Relations Volume 2 is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the themes of colonization and decolonization, open to BIPOC creatives only.

“I wanted to provide space to my fellow Black, Indigenous, and/or people of color to share their authentic stories. To reflect on their ancestors, to explore the complete variety of feelings that come from decolonizing their history, to explain the rituals that help them cope with the effects of colonization, to muse on alternative realities where colonization never occurred, and/or to reflect on a colonization-free future. To share, to say in their own words or visuals what they wanted to say, and to, hopefully heal.”

Chris Talbot-Heindl

Volume 2

Cover art from All My Relations Volume 2 showing a mixed-race Indigenous person sitting in a gray environment. A white man (who is also gray) holds a paint brush and is painting away the color in the Indigenous person.
Cover art for Volume 2

Volume 2 of All My Relations explores the themes of colonization and decolonization.

Please be aware that most of the pieces contained here have a content warning of colonization. Additional content warnings are provided before each piece.

This volume features:

Art by: Chris Talbot-Heindl, Joshua Effiong, Yanna Ridimann, and Zaynab Bobi

Fiction by: Guy Melvin, M. Kaur, Waverly Woldemichael, and Yutong Yang

Non-Fiction by: A. Coghlan, Charlie D’Aniello Trigueros, and Julián Esteban Torres López

Poetry by: Divyasri Krishnan, Kayleigh Sim, Maria Bolaños, Neen Ramos, Roseline Mgbodichinma, and Shiksha Dheda

Check out Volume 2, below! If you would like to purchase a printed copy of the volume, visit our store. Proceeds will be used to pay our BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled contributors.

All My Relations Volume 1 is an art and lit, online and printed magazine, exploring the theme of familial (blood, adopted, affirming, community, or other “family”) loss or ancestry, prioritizing traditionally marginalized creators, but open to all.

“Each of our journeys through loss is individual, but we don’t need to experience that journey alone. I hope that as you review the pieces in this anthology, you feel a sense of communal healing with all your relations. With love to all my relations,””

Chris Talbot-Heindl

Inaugural Issue

All My Relations cover art
Cover art for Volume 1

Volume 1 of All My Relations honors the lost, our journeys through loss, and communal healing.

Please be aware that most of the pieces contained here have a content warning of death and grief. Additional content warnings are provided before each piece.

This volume features:

Art by: Chris Talbot-Heindl and Melissa Jennings

Fiction by: Chitra Gopalakrishnan, Eleanor Hughes, Iona Murphy, Kayleigh Jayshree, and LJ Kessels

Nonfiction by: Chris Talbot-Heindl, Fefe, H.E. Casson, Hannah E Wohlenberg, Jowell Tan, Lana Phillips, Magi Sumpter, Megan Cannella, Rimika Solloway, Robert Fromberg, Sarena Tien, and Tangela Williams-Spann

Poetry by: AJ Buckle, Amoye Favour, Boloere Seibidor, Bree Bailey, Courtney LeBlanc, Fran Fernández Arce, Glennys Egan, Isabella J Mansfield, Jacquelyn “Jacsun” Shah, Jaromir Stoll, Jen Ghidiu, Katherine J Zumpano, Kendra Nuttall, Kimberly Glanzman, kyrah gomes, Laura Ma, Liv Gamble, Lorelei Bacht, Lynne Schmidt, Madison Gill, Matthew Schultz, Natascha Graham, Neel Trivedi, Nora Nadjarian, Pam R. Johnson Davis, Roi Alexis Martinez-Soto, Sabina Khan-Ibarra, Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar, Sossity Chiricuzio, Stacy Casson, and writerime

Check out Volume 1, below! If you would like to purchase a printed copy of the volume, visit our store. Proceeds will be used to pay our BIPOC, gender variant, and disabled contributors.